A rather new .IptabLes payload, spotted used in the wild for infection:

VT score is..TWO/55
https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/9dbf ... 412243116/
Self-copy efforts:
Code: Select allexecve("/usr/bin/cp", ["cp", "/MALWARE", "/boot/.IptabLes"]
execve("/usr/bin/cp", ["cp", "/MALWARE", "/usr/.IptabLes"]
execve("/usr/bin/cp", ["cp", "/MALWARE", "/.IptabLes"]
symlinks for installation:
Code: Select allsymlink("/.IptabLes", "/boot/.IptabLes")
symlink("/.IptabLes", "/usr/.IptabLes")
symlink("/IptabLes", "/etc/rc.d/init.d/IptabLes")
symlink("/IptabLes", "/etc/rc.d/IptabLes")
symlink("/IptabLes", "/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S55IptabLes")
symlink("/IptabLes", "/etc/rc2.d/S55IptabLes")
symlink("/IptabLes", "/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S55IptabLes")
symlink("/IptabLes", "/etc/rc3.d/S55IptabLes")
symlink("/IptabLes", "/etc/rc.d/rc4.d/S55IptabLes")
symlink("/IptabLes", "/etc/rc4.d/S55IptabLes")
symlink("/IptabLes", "/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S55IptabLes")
symlink("/IptabLes", "/etc/rc5.d/S55IptabLes")
And started this malware as daemon with its malicious xinetd:
Code: Select allexecve("/bin/sh", ["sh", "-c", "/etc/rc2.d/S55IptabLes"]
The rest of details is as usal, more info is here:
http://blog.malwaremustdie.org/2014/06/ ... f-elf.html
In this case, after depacking the I cracked CNC used as below:
Code: Select all;; public deinfo ()
;; deinfo proc near
0x8049D96 push ebp
0x8049D97 mov ebp, esp
0x8049D99 sub esp, 38h
0x8049D9C mov [ebp+var_F], 0
0x8049DA0 mov [ebp+var_E], 0
0x8049DA4 mov [ebp+var_D], 0
0x8049DA8 mov eax, [ebp+arg_0]
0x8049DAB add eax, 1
0x8049DAE mov [ebp+var_C], eax
0x8049DB1 mov [ebp+var_14], 0
0x8049DB8 mov eax, [ebp+arg_0]
0x8049DBB mov [esp], eax
0x8049DBE call CheckIsTest
0x8049DC3 test eax, eax
0x8049DC5 jz short 0x8049E26
0x8049DC7 mov dword ptr [esp+8], 32h
0x8049DCF mov dword ptr [esp+4], 0
0x8049DD7 mov dword ptr [esp], 0x80FB8A4h
0x8049DDE call 0x80481A0
0x8049DE3 mov eax, [esp], 0x80CE73F <-----------------|
0x8049DE8 mov dword ptr [esp+8], 12h |
0x8049DF0 mov [esp+4], eax |
0x8049DF4 mov dword ptr [esp], 0x80FB8A4h |
0x8049DFB call memcpy |
0x8049E00 mov word ptr ds:g_mainsrvinfo+158h, 4D2h |
0x8049E09 mov word ptr ds:g_mainsrvinfo+156h, 929h |
0x8049E12 mov dword ptr ds:g_mainsrvinfo+218h, 1 |
0x8049E1C mov eax, 1 |
0x8049E21 jmp 0x8049F1D |
(...) |
0x80CE73F aSetupsrv_uxfb_ db 'setupsrv.uxfb.com',0 <---------|
Noted with the changing of DNS beforehand.
#MalwareMustDie catched this flag