
Twitter Blocklist's Text Dumper HostileBlocker v 1.0.0

View the Project on GitHub unixfreaxjp/HostileBlocker

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This project was started meant to support the usage of blocklist in twitter using the BlockTogether tool. By this tool you could extract the list of the blocklist in a text file via bash shell command, to help the multipurpose customization and usage for your needs. Due to the API changes the tool is currently not working, but the concept can still be used for your similar purpose, it is now shared for the security community.

The example of the common USAGE commands is as follows:

$ bash             # extracting text data in stdout
$ bash | wc -l     # counting the records
$ bash >> file.txt # dumping the output into the file

The tool has just been released for the good purpose only. If you’re using the GitHub for Mac, simply sync your repository and you’ll see the new branch.


BSD version 2 Simplified (FreeBSD)


Language: bash
Binaries: bash, lynx, sed, cut, sort
Additional: expect is needed for the ftp uploader script
Multi Platform usage can be applied with the adjustment of each binary's path
Tested on: Mc OS X, Solaris 10 Intel, FreeBSD 10 & Debian Wheezy 

Authors and Contributors

This tool is coded by @unixfreaxjp,was working as per it is, the coder is not holding any responsiblity for the misusing of the tool.

Support or Contact

Having trouble with tool? Please contact the coder and he’ll help you sort it out.